Dragon age 2 ps5 download
Dragon age 2 ps5 download

Of course, this likely means that Dragon Age 4 is in the works for Xbox Series X as well, with confirmation likely coming sometime relatively soon, while other platforms like Stadia are left in the air. It's no stretch to have believed before that Dragon Age 4 was a next-gen game, given comments by EA and its lack of any real presence, but in the absence of bigger reveals, confirmation that it's a PS5 game is a swell thing indeed. Dragon Age Dragon Age: Inquisition 60 FPS ON PS5 60 FPS ON PS5 February 2022 by SeriousKenzi Topic Options Previous Topic Next Topic Original Post 1 February 2022 - last edited February 2022 Options SeriousKenzi Newbie Any chance there will be a 60 FPS patch for PS5 The game runs at 60 fps on xbox x since may 2021. The hardware of the PS5 is so much more advanced than the PS3 I would be willing to bet that the file type isnt even compatible, unless the PS5 plays PS3 discs. RELATED: All 38 PS5 Games Confirmed in Development for Sony's Next-Gen Console I highly doubt it since the PS3 is so old. The official entry in the magazine (which officially goes on sale on June 2) reads, "it's been six years since the last game but a sequel is definitely coming, and it will be on Sony's next generation console." Many of these have already been revealed, such as Godfall, but this is the first platform confirmed for Dragon Age 4.

dragon age 2 ps5 download

Ahead of the official PS5 reveal, the digital edition of July's Official PlayStation Magazine appeared online detailing a grand total of 38 games in development for PS5. Since then, the only thing that has been known about the game has been set up by Dragon Age: Inquisition. It was quickly discovered, though, that the game was in early development, it still didn't have an official title, and Dragon Age 4's release date was far off. When Dragon Age 4 was first teased back at The Game Awards 2018, many had high hopes and anticipation.

Dragon age 2 ps5 download